Company 1
Dedication - Pride - Service
Company 1 asks that you continue your support this year by making a tax-deductible donation in any amount you see fit.
For most of the residents of the Town of Wolcott, the year 1934 passed uneventfully. For a few individuals and the Hitchcock Lake Improvement Association, however, 1934 proved to be quite different. It was on October 29th of that year that several civic-minded men decided that a void in public safety needed to be filled and the Hitchcock Lake Fire Company was formed. Edward Pracny was elected its first chief. The first response logged was a fire at the home of Henry McCann on Alma Avenue. The call came in at 5:30 am on December 3, 1934. Oddly enough, the one piece of equipment the department lacked was a fire truck and the men had to carry all the equipment to the scene in their cars...Full history of Company 1.
Company Contact: Deputy Chief Edward Costa (
395 Central Avenue Phone: (203) 879-8135 Fax: (203) 879-8134